Dogs maul foreigner in Anjuna the hippy village in Goa In India

ANJUNA: A Czech Republic national was mauled by a pack of ferocious stray dogs on Anjuna-Arpora Hill when she had gone for a walk in the morning. She is currently undergoing treatment at St Anthony Hospital, Anjuna. The Anjuna PI, Navlesh Dessai, told Herald that the incident occurred on Monday morning and the lady reported the same to Anjuna police. “The lady had gone for a walk at 7.00 am when a number of dogs attacked her on the Anjuna-Arpora hill. She did not seek for a complaint to be registered but requested us to act in the matter by informing the concerned authority. She did not want another person to suffer from a similar savage attack. We have written to the Village Panchayat of Anjuna, Animal Rescue and Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services,” said Anjuna PI. An animal rights activist based in Assagao brought this issue to the notice of Herald that a foreign tourist was mauled by several dogs on the Anjuna-Arpora Hill a week back. “She is currently getting treated at St Anthony Hospital, Anjuna,” said the activist.

The victim wrote

When I need to release some emotional or physical trauma, I dance. This is not a dance of celebration or seduction. This is a dance "hello this is a bit obscure, so now that I have your attention": I want to warm as many people as possible about danger which I was not aware of. Couple of days ago I was still working in a Dog shelter and enjoyed that very much, then I left the place and went to volunteer in Anjuna. On my first morning, 7 am I went for a run. I have the habit of leaving society behind and going into the wilderness. Worked fine for me in other Indian states. Never had to face any lifethreating situation in India and this is my 5th visit here. But this time, there were stray dogs and there were many of them, around 20. When the season is on they eat leftovers from restaurants and tourist feed them. Now the season is over and they are hungry. The government does nothing. All the feeding and sterilization and vacination is done by private establishments. I called the police 2 days ago to file a complaint. They said they would come to see me in the hospital but they haven't. Perharps the fact that I was running provoked the attack, perharps the smell of my cloathes that I used in the dog shelter didn't help the situation. But what I have learned in the hospital is that there were a couple of more cases as well. Now, I am not saying do not come to India. I still love it here. But. Be careful. Don't go far from the civilization, bring pepperspray (that should protect you from dog attack and sexual abusse). Locals use sticks to beat some agresive dogs to protect themselves. I did the same. I fought for life using wood and stones. I still love dogs and all animals..its just their nature, they are still wild creatures with the equipment to kill. After 7 days of cleaning my wounds and lots of injections and pills they finally stitched my left leg, the right one is healing well on its own but for a moment, in the forest I thought it was all over. Any mental or physical weakness would mean gameover. Please share to protect others #bettersafethansorry #dogattack #shithappens #travelwarning #besafe #becareful #spreadthemessage #fightforlife #appreciatelife

So life is supposed to be nice here but I like to be real. And I am passionate about others well being & safety. I am also pissed of because I got told by people they are ashamed of me because of my previous post. I dont see what I have done wrong. First, I was born this way, its my body..everybody has one..lets get this straight. You should not be ashamed of yours or mine or anyone elses.I like to dance plus my wear there would clasify as a bikini. So what? And I just wanted attention because I need it to protect others. Do I need to repeate that? Other message could be about an attitude.. I got into trouble..I could just cry and talk about the pain or a nicer option, to dance it away. And I am even more pissed of about the situation because I called the police second time today. This time a lady picked up the phone, I explained again and she told me she would call me back and she never did. Talking to locals I got to know that they know these dogs are in that area and that they are dangerous because there were cases like me before. They used to go there play drums and kids used to climb that hill to play but now everybody is scared, so they dont go anymore. But me being a new in the area I had no clue, so I went up there. There should be at least a sign warning against sutch a danger and I will see to that. The Panchayat (Magistrate) is against the shelter and vets taking care of these dogs. The shelter even offered to pay 300 INR per every dog they will take care of. Still they did not give permission for the work to be done. I dont understand it because it should be in the Panchayats interest to have this place safe. They are here to care about people. Then they just care about not having it in the newspaper from what I have been told today. #bettersafethansorry #dogattack #goa #anjuna #anjunabeach #incredibleindia🇮🇳 #share #viral #danger #warning #besafe"


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