Video killed the radio star. Then, video went from large TV screens to smartphone screens. Pedal power went to combustion engines to electric vehicles. Local stores became supermarkets, then went online. Actually, everything went online (sadly even social communication). The point is evolution. Natural evolution, not forced evolution. And forced evolution is what did Godrej Nature’s Basket (GNB) in. Its start, in 2010, was focussed enough - one store, in an upmarket region in Mumbai, selling only premium gourmet food items like artisanal bread, wine and imported cheese. Then came the expansion over the years. To New Delhi, Pune, and other cities. To selling private-label brands and going online. So far, so natural. Coupled with revenue growth that was picking up. Then came 2016-17, and with it ‘GNB Refresh 2020.’ A marketing tagline that essentially meant the brand took a 180° spin - from a 'World Food Store' to a 'Daily Food Delights' store. It became a neighbourhood...
Home for the Aged at Nagao Verna to be renovated Verna, Salcete Goa India : The Home for the Aged belonging to the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny at Nagao Verna is all set to get a new look, thanks to the renovation plans. The home for the elderly, which has been functioning since 1962, was long due for up gradation. The Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny are now planning to increase the intake capacity of the inmates from the existing 25 to 66. “At present we have 25 inmates and we want to extend our service to our needy senior brothers and sisters. We plan to build single, double and dormitory accommodation for 66 inmates,” said Sister Nanette Temudo, Sister Superior, Home for the Aged, Nagao Verna. “The present facilities available here are inadequate to serve better. In order to provide more comfortable stay with peace and joy there is an urgent need to demolish and reconstruct the Old Aged Home,” she disclosed. The land where the Home for the Aged is based ...
By Armstrong Vaz, Qatar Doha Aug 6: After an end to a football playing career, what's next had been a dilemma that was troubling Navelim based professional player Denis Cabral some five years before. And from that moment, he had set in motion the process of preparing for life after football. He had firmly set his sights on becoming a European Union citizen by availing the Portuguese citizenship. Unwind to 2007, with yet another football season set to roll in, football lovers from Goa and the rest of the country, would not find the diminutive midfielder playing for any of the clubs in Goa. Cause, he has decided to hang his boots for good. After 13 years of a football career which kick started with Salcete Football Club the cubby faced player has departed to Portugal enroute to England, armed as he is with a Portuguese passport, to set up his base in England. With his Indian football credentials as a footballer, Cabral does not see any chance of him securing a job in any footba...
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