Looking forward, always

Good Morning armstrong,
If you've watched any Indian news channel over the last few years, you've probably seen the word exclusive flash across your your screen. Sometimes in aggressive red font. Sometimes over a background of tacky, VFX flames. Everything on TV news seems to be an exclusive. Even when it's on three, sometimes four channels at the same time. The actual meaning of the word has long been lost on journalism, but its importance to journalists remains.

Everyone wants an exclusive.

Well, almost everyone.

You see, there's a problem with exclusives. They usually involve access journalism. A powerful source, a grateful journalist, a story being fed and then duly carried with a lot of hype but precious little criticality or substance to speak of.

Which is why we're not driven solely by the need for exclusives. We're here to do insightful, meaningful stories that don't just break the news, but show you the bigger picture. We aim to be forward-looking. This has paid off many times in the past year, where our predictions—based on extensive reporting and analysis—have been bang on the money. These, too, are exclusives. Just not for the sake of it.

In today's year-ender, we take a look back at some of our predictions and reports that came to fruition later in the year. From deals being struck to deals falling apart, downfalls and new beginnings. You can read about all of it here: http://the-ken.com/best-of-2018-predictions/
What are your predictions for the new year? What do you hope for? Write in and let me know. I hope the festive season has been kind to you, and that the new year will be kinder still. See you on the other side!


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