Bribes thick as blood in Goa

Stand up and be counted
When footballer Rovan Colaco refused to pay a bribe for a teacher’s job

Bribe taking comes easy for most of us and for that matter bribe giving, but how many of us have refused to give bribes. If you put a search to find to locate persons who are ready to put their hands up and say no to bribes there are a select few. One of them happens to be a multi-talented man from Velim village – Rovan Colaco.
An aspiring artist, a pile of his paintings lie in a heap in his house waiting for the outside world to have a view, Rovan is a dedicated sportsman who has now turned to football coaching. 
As a goalkeeper Rovan have made many a saves for MPT, Rosary College Navelim, Guardian Angel HS Savordem, Don Bosco Physical Education College Panjim, Goa University, Goa Juniors and Cuncolim Union.
But, when it came to finding a job as a physical education teacher despite his sporting and educational qualifications was not easy ride in the park. He had a mountain to climb when he took the stance that no matter what comes ‘I will not pay bribe’.
He was successfully in landing a job thanks to Manovikas School Margao where he is employed as a Physical Education teacher and he got the job without having to pay single money as a bribe.
But, that was after a two-year search for a job which took him to the length and breadth of Goa.
In his own ‘adopted home village Cuncolim’ for whom he plays football in the popular inter-village football tournaments officials of Cuncolim Union promised the moon to him, but could not force the corrupt Cuncolim educationists to waive the bribes demanded from Rovan to get the job.
As a concession, he was asked to pay Rs two lakhs as a bribe for a job in an educational society in Cuncolim but he had his integrity on his mind and he flatly refused the offer, although some club officials were ready to contribute one lakh as non-refundable contribution towards Rovan’s bribe amount, is another matter.
Rovan had two career choices before him, become an accountant and take up a regular 8-4 job in an office or burn calories on the field, he choose the latter. Sports come naturally for the Colaco’s.
Rovan’s father Hector is a former footballer and the never-say-die spirit of the elder Colaco has rubbed on to his siblings.
 If Goa is looking for a clean next generation leaders to clear up the mess then Rovan certainly fits the bill.  The 30-year-old has no political ambitions. But here is a youngster waiting in the wings to be groomed and ready to take on the responsibilities to clear the mess that the state is in. And, Goa needs many Rovan’s to stand up and take up a stand against bribery in all walks of life.


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