Franky Baretto, Saby Antao in race for coaching posts at Goa Football Development Council

Franky Baretto, Saby Antao in race for coaching posts at GFDC

By Armstrong Vaz

Former international and East Bengal defender, Franky Baretto and former junior international and Mahindra United player, Saby Antao, are some of the notable candidates who have applied for the paid posts at the newly formed Goa Football Development Council (GFDC).

Goa Football Development Council which was recently constituted by the state government, with its office at 7th Floor, 'Myles High' Building, Patto Plaza, Panaji, is “to advise the Government on all matters concerning the sport of football  and to coordinate and harmoniously complement the activities of the AIFF (All India Football Federation) the GFA (Goa football Assocaition), the SAG (Sports Authority of Goa), local governing bodies such as municipalities, Zilla Parishads and Panchayats, organizations promoting Football and other Government authorities and Departments.”

Panjim-based cardiologist Rufino Monteiro has been appointed the chairman of the Council while SAG executive secretary Elvis Gomes is the Member Secretary by the government headed by Manohar Parrikar.

Some of the aims and objectives of the Goa Football Development Council to encourage Research and Development in Sports and Football related medicines, bio-chemistry, psychology and other allied sciences. It also wants to encourage research in football equipment in Goa for the production and manufacture of standard specialized football equipment.

With plans to conceive football development centre’s at convenient places in Goa, the council are hiring staff.

The Council had advertised for the post of Executive Secretary, Football Development Officer (Management) and Football Development Officer (Coaching), the last date which was August 7.

A source connected with the scrutiny of the applications informed that Goans based in different parts of world who have been connected in one way or the other with Goan football in the past have applied for the posts, with applications coming from US and Canada, without divulging the names.

For Football Development Officer (Management), the essential minimum qualification is post graduate in sports management or equivalent from a recognized university and experience in sports event management of at least two years

While the Football Development Officer (Coaching) has to been an HSSC pass or equivalent from a recognized board, AFC 'B' license coach with through knowledge of principles of training and different football training methodologies successfully used.

Varca village lad Franky now based in UAE as coach of University of Wollongong in Dubai is one the many who have applied for the post.

Franky shot into stardom playing for Damodar College Margao.  He also played for Salgaocar SC, Churchill Bros and Vasco Sports Club, confirmed that he has applied for one of the post.

“I have applied for one of the positions and willing to help as much as I can for the betterment of Goan football, I'm no superstar but definitely has gained a lot of coaching and especially administration and management experience through my current job over the past 8 years, more than anything GFDC need at least a five-year strategic plan put together and work on it practically and ambitiously and not just a plan on paper and I am sure Dr. Rufino (Monteiro) must be onto it. Sports and education should go hand in hand, strong schools sports program is needed so that parents feel confident of their children taking sports. Because even if they fail to succeed in sports they will have the educational background to take up another career,” Franky wrote on his facebook account.

Another football player who is expecting a call from the Council is Saby presently working in US. The 42-year-old is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and currently works as Health and Physical Education Director for the New York City Board of Education. Saby, who got his initial football training in Chandor village in Salcete taluka donned colours of Salcete Football Club and is currently based in US.

“Yes, I have applied for the posts,” said Saby, who has done his Doctorate in Physical Therapy and his Masters in Sports Management and completed his Bachelor’s degree with Exercise Science as specialization.

For the post of Executive Secretary, the Goa Football Development Council ,  had sought a Post Graduate or equivalent from a recognized university besides experience in administration of at least two years in any sports institution.

Sources in the know informed that former GFA executive secretary Savio Messais, along with former Director of Sports at Goa University Kenedy D’Silva, are some of the candidates vying for the secretary’s posts.

The posts involve high level of commitment being projects specific the Goa Football Development Council says.


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